Gun Safety 4 Kids

1 hr. / $  Donations

Course Overview: (Classroom Only) Grades K to 4


TW’s Trigger Techniques realizes kids are our greatest treasure and we have to protect them. I am honored to give back to my community and spread the word about gun safety in and outside the home. Is there a gun in your home or your child’s best friend’s home? This class is for children K through fourth grade and teaches kids “If you find a gun:” STOP! Don’t Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an Adult.” The success of this program is evident by the fact that there has been an 80% reduction in fatal firearm accidents in that age group since program’s like “Eddie Eagle” launched nationwide in 1988, but we can’t be complacent. One accident will always be too many. Contact TWTT to schedule a 1 hr. presentation to help protect the ones we love.

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